Baby Christensen: Boy or Girl?

Can you believe I was the ONLY person at this super sweet gender reveal party who knew before the big reveal whether this awesome couple was having a boy or girl ?! Talk about pressure!

I walked in the door an hour before party time, and Erin handed me a red envelope, a black balloon and helium tank, and two baggies: one filled with pink confetti, the other with blue. She sent me upstairs to a private room to open THE envelope (you know, the one the ultrasound technician hands you with the words "It's a boy!" or "It's a girl! written inside) with instructions to fill the balloon with pink confetti if it reads girl and minty blue confetti if it reads boy. I was so nervous! I remember opening my own envelope like that a few years ago and how HUGE and momentous it felt breaking that seal and pulling out the card. Now I was doing this for someone else -- yikes! What if I read it wrong (I know how to read, right?!); what if I spilled confetti on the ground and they just had to look down to find out if they were adding another daughter or their first boy to their family?! (I cleaned up incredibly well after all the filling, I promise!) What if I somehow popped the balloon on the short journey between the bedroom or living room?! Ay yi yi, it felt like a lot of pressure!  

But it was worth it!

This is baby #2 for Erin and Brian, and they both had strong opinions about whether a baby brother or sister would joining 2-year-old big sister Noel. But only one can win in the end right?! (Though when sweet babies are involved, everyone's a winner!) 

Press play above to find out if it's a boy or girl!


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